The Semi-Retired Foamer has been a railfan since he was around 5 years old, oh yes a very young age, an age when one really should avoid being involved with the gunzel community to any great extent. A few rather unsavoury people bringing that fact home.
After a few decades of train chasing, one decided to break with protocol and get married, thus leading to a severe cut in railfan activity.
Subsequent dealings with hate breeders, lunatics, mental defectives and self-appointed preservation overlords lead to an even greater decrease in my hobby participation.
However things have changed thanks to our small group of trusted mates, interest has returned, and now I have become a bit more involved yet again.
Over the years I have tried my best to further both the hobby, as well as the friendships that it brings. I have done this by setting up proactive groups both here in Australia, as well as the Philippines. It is with huge honour that I am often considered the founding father of the railfan hobby in the Philippines (my second home).
I don't take the hobby too seriously and I am a friend to anyone who is good and genuine. But never forgive those who have used their hate to destroy my hobby or hurt the friends within it.

Let's Make The Hobby Great Again!
I aim to share the era that I considered mine, the 80s and 90s. I also like to help promote, and even raise funds for, the various heritage societies that keep the era alive
We occasionally publish information on the locomotives, and rollingstock, from railways in Australia and the Philippines.
All are available for

Please email me should you wish to use anything from this site !

Tuesday, May 31, 2022



  Thanks to the dreaded virus that has covered the world for the last couple of years, the annual pilgrimage to the Rosehill Racecourse for the 'Epping Model Railway Club' model railway exhibition, has not been on the agenda.

  Not only would I normally be out there for the model trains, and volunteer duties on the 'Trains For Kid's With Cancer' stand, it was also a great opportunity to check out the closed lines to Carlingford and Sandown. Although, the former was still open the last time I attended one of these events.

  So, with the virus now not the huge inconvenience it once was, the exhibitions have started again, and last month I took the opportunity to have a squiz around Camellia to see how things are progressing.

The following post looks at the incredible changes made to the location over the last couple of years, along with some photos of the same spots before it was all ripped out.

Brad Peadon

Y1 at the Rosehill Racecourse station.
Today the tracks and signalling are all gone, leaving just the two platforms as a reminder of what once was.
Photo: Carl Millington

Between Rosehill Racecourse and Camelia today.
Above: Looking toward Camelia, with Grand Avenue seen in the distance. The Sandown line would have been on the right, with the Carlingford one being on the left. The two lines actually junctioned at Rosehill Racecourse.
Below: Looking back towards the racecourse station and Clyde.
Photo: Brad Peadon

K81 approaching Camellia station with a Carlingford bound service.
The former line to Sandown can be seen heading off in the background. It had been disused for some time at this stage.
Where the K set appears in this shot, is roughly around the light rail junction in the article banner shot.
Photo: Brad Peadon

Camellia station on the weekend of the final Rosehill exhibition prior to the virus. It was known that the end was coming, so visits became more important than in earlier years.
Photo: Brad Peadon

The above, and below, shots were taken from the now little irrelevant Grand Avenue road overbridge. It shows the track curving off right to the former Hardies station, then onward to Sandown.
The only traffic it will now see will be people who now have to endure the walk from the light rail stop at Camellia, all the way to the racecourse.
Far less convenient for patrons than the earlier setup.
Photo: Brad Peadon

The last Patricks Portlink train to depart the Sandown line.
The smoke is from numerous detonators being placed along the railhead.
A video of this operation can be found at the end of the article.
While quite irrelevant, this shot would become my first ever Railway Digest cover shot. Go me! :-)
Photo: Brad Peadon

4821 and 4904 on a fuel train from Sandown.
Photo: Brad Peadon

Taken from the level crossing in the above two shots, and looking back towards Grand Avenue.
Photo: Brad Peadon

Above: The same spot before the tracks were removed.
Below: Right behind me in the above shot was the location of the former Hardies station.
The Sandown branch once had four stations.
Hardies (opened 1938)
Goodyear (opened 1934)
Cream of Tartar (closed in 1959, the same year as the electrification of the line)
Sandown (opened 1892)
Photo: Brad Peadon

Hardies station would have sat on a curve, to the right of the light rail tracks here.
Photo: Brad Peadon

For a time, a couple of weekday services would terminate at Hardies station before returning to Clyde.
L1 forms the last of these services, with all services again terminating at Sandown for the time they had left.
Photo: Brad Peadon

48136 4887 (both now scrapped) sit at the former location of Hardies station with the last Patricks Portlink service.
Photo: Brad Peadon

Location of Hardies station following closure.
Photo: Brad Peadon

Crossing for the road entrance to Camellia station. The Hardies station would have been where the grass is in the background.
Photo: Brad Peadon

The light rail tracks currently end near the old entrance points for Sandown Yard. The light rail points are part of a triangle serving the new light rail depot on the south side of Grand Avenue (see below).
Photo: Brad Peadon

48136 4887 (both now scrapped) sit near the entrance points (see above) for Sandown yard with the last Patricks Portlink service.
Photo: Brad Peadon

Some reminders of the former goods line still manage to survive.
Photo: Brad Peadon

Looking back towards Camellia. Along the former Sandown formation
Photo: Brad Peadon

A bit of a look at the new light rail track into the planned depot.

Double track level crossing that will eventually lead to the new depot being developed beyond.
Photo: Brad Peadon

Back in the old days, well what I refer to as the old days, the rather uninspiring platform that formed the grandiose Sandown terminus would see a number of services on weekdays. None of these, on my visits, ever appeared to be particularly full of humans.
On horse racing weekends though, the line would be used to stable many electric sets along its length. They would wait here until the end of the day saw a large number of punters wanting to take the convenient service home.
Three car red set Y2 awaits departure.
The last regular service to depart Sandown station was back in December 1991. However, quite a few tours visited over the years following. 
Photo: Carl Millington


Bradly Coulter & Carl Millington
Australian Railway Historical Society

With plenty more Sandown photos, and much more change expected in coming years, it is likely we will be revisiting this fascinating branch again in the future.

Tuesday, May 24, 2022


Welcome to the next thrilling* installment in my 'Queensland Adventures' series.

This time it was from Mossman down to Brisbane, back in May 2000.

The sightings show all the Queensland Rail sightings along the way.

 Any sugarcane tramway operations will be covered in a future installment. Photographs are a mix taken over all trips.

* - There is no guarantee that any part will be remotely thrilling.



27-5-20001748 -MolassesMareeba14:37 
 2826 -Up Freight?- 
 1753 -Dn MolassesCairns20:19 
28-5-20001753 -MolassesBabinda09:02Unloading at Babinda
 2815 -Dn FreightInnisfail09:306C81
 2815 -Dn FreightBabinda10:37 
 2815 -Dn FreightDeraalxx 
 2815 -Dn FreightAloomba11:07 
 2815 -Dn FreightGordonvale11:15 
 2815 -Dn FreightKamma11:22 
 2815 -Dn FreightPortsmithxx 
 1753 -Dn MolassesAloomba12:33 
 1753 -Dn MolassesGordonvale12:42 
 1753 -Dn MolassesKamma12:50 
 1753 -Dn MolassesWoree13:04 
 2815 2843 1753 2159DepotPortsmith13:30 
 1775 1735 1754 1752DepotPortsmith13:30 
 1748 1761 DepotPortsmith13:30 
 C17 988DepotPortsmith13:30 
 2026 2028 2053DepotPortsmith13:30 
 2808 -Dn SunlanderBabinda14:40Between Babinda and Deeral, 3C37
 2843 -Up FreightDeraal14:48 
 2808 -Dn SunlanderGordonvale15:10 
 2808 -Dn SunlanderBabinda15:17 
 1755 -PassengerCairns15:43Kuranda Train, 3C61
 2808 -Dn SunlanderCairns16:08 
 1773 -PassengerRedlynch16:45Kuranda Train
 1773 -PassengerFreshwater16:59Kuranda Train
 1773 -PassengerStratford?17:03Kuranda Train
 1773 -PassengerPortsmith17:26Kuranda Train
 2801 -Dn FreightInnesfail20:33 
 2817 -Dn FreightInnesfail20:59 
29-05-20001773 -PassengerBarron Falls- 
 1773 -PassengerKuranda10:50 
 1773 -PassengerCairns17:15 
 2801 2817 1755 1724DepotPortsmith17:29 
 2213 1773DepotPortsmith17:29 
30-5-20002817 --Innisfail08:15 
 2850 -QueenslanderIngham13:02Southbound
 2193 -StockBohle15:45Northbound
 2132 -StockGarbutt15:56Northbound
 2188 -ShuntTownsville16:04 
 2473 -ShuntTownsville16:21 
 2606 2608GoninansBohle18:45Rebuilds
31-5-20002842 -?Garbutt08:27Northbound
 2473 -TripGarbutt08:31Northbound
 2806 2814 2820 2191DepotStuart10:44 
 2849 2810 2155 2200    
 2184 2474 2808 2825    
 2182 2159 2833 2214    
 2400 1760 2213    
 2826 2834L/EStuart11:11Enclosed wagon
 2847 -CattleAntill11:37Eastbound
 2846 2835-Charters Towers12:54At signal
 RRS34ShuntCharters Towers14:47 
 2159 -CattleWoodstock16:14Westbound
 2826 2834?West Of Stuart 16:34Westbound
 2808 2806L/EStuart 16:34 
 2405 -L/EBohle17:34Northbound
 2821 -BallastBohle17:41Northbound
1-6-20002472 2837 2850 2826 2822DepotStuart09:45 
 1760 2830 2477 2420""" 
 2801 2200 2132 2130""" 
 2193 2191 2213 2487""" 
 2214 -ShuntTownsville10:17 
 2844 -HoppersGarbutt10:29 Northbound cross
 2188 -HoppersGarbutt10:29Southbound cross
 2188 -HoppersBohle10:40Southbound
 2815 -PassengerGarbutt14:56Southbound cross
 2821 -BallastGarbutt14:56Northbound cross
 2821 -BallastBohle16:30Southbound
 2405 -FreightGarbutt16:50Southbound
 2832 -FreightGarbutt17:02Southbound
 2188 -ShuntGarbutt17:10QRX
 2811 -FreightBohle21:03Northbound
2-6-20002190 -Dn FreightAyr10:29 
 2813 -Up SpiritAyr10:29 
 2813 -Up SpiritInkerman Hill11:36 
 1736 -ShuntBowen12:33 
 2205 -DepotPring12:39 
 2116 2183SleepersProserpine14:59 
 2496 2123-Proserpine14:59 
3-6-20002601 2603 2612 2155DepotPring06:57 
 2205 -DepotPring06:57 
 2611 2604 2610 2153Up CoalPring07:572610 Blue
 """"Up CoalKaili- 
 """"Up CoalKaili-Abbots Pt- 
 """"Up CoalAbbots Point- 
 1736 -TripMerinda08:541736 Blue
 1736 -TripNthg of Bowen09:15Bowen to Coke Works
 2158 2607 2154 2156CoalKaili 2607 2154 Both blue.
 """"CoalKaili-Abbot Pt  
 """"CoalAbbott Point09:56 
 2611 2604 2610 2153MT CoalAbbot Point To Collinsville
 """"MT CoalKaili10:29 
 """"MT CoalBriaba11:40Photo at crossing loop.
 """"MT CoalAlmoola11:55 
 """"MT CoalScottsville12:11 
 2605 2602 2207 2157Up CoalBirralee12:30 
 """"Up CoalW Collinsville-Off bridge
 """"Up CoalBriaba-Side shot / trees
 """"Up CoalBriaba- 
 """"Up CoalBindee13:40 
 2603 2607 2154 2156MT CoalBindee13:43 
 """"MT CoalBriaba- 
 """"MT CoalAlmoola- 
 """"MT CoalCollinsville- 
 2611 2604 2610 2153Up CoalArmuna15:53 
 """"Up CoalKaili- 
 2605 2602 2207 2157MT CoalPring17:072602 Blue.
 2206 --Marinda17:22 
 2810 -ShuntingMarinda17:22 
 2837 -Dn FreightKangaroo Creek17:49 
 2116 2183SleepersProserpine18:30 
 2123 2496-Proserpine18:30 
4-6-20002119 2105-Mackay10:46Both blue
 3302 3226 / 3284 3263CoalJililan11:47 
 1576 2412 1572 3422DepotJililan11:47 
 3211 3140 DH73DepotJililan11:47 
 2830 -Dn FreightMarlborough15:56South of
 2414 2470 3907 2464DepotRockhampton15:47 
 2491 2488 2828 2205 Rockhampton15:47 
 2835 2811 2465 1734 Rockhampton15:47 
5-6--2000CWM40PreservedEmu Park11:50Museum
 1734 -CattleYeppoon Line12:22Loading
 2414 2470 2464 3925DepotRockhampton12:452414 2133 Both Blue.
 2491 3913 2488 2824DepotRockhampton12:45 
 2100 2205 2465 2133DepotRockhampton12:45 
 1770 -DepotRockhampton12:45Named 'JAMES COOK'
 2838 2828Dn CattleRockhampton16:05 
6-6-20003904 -Dn FreightRockhampton07:56 
 3906 3928Dn FreightMidgee08:10 
 2136 2135 2206MT CoalGladstone09:46 
 2161 2142 2152CoalGladstone09:46 
 2137 2189 2202CoalDaetz Road- 
 2136 2135 2206MT CoalCalliope11:27Cross
 2470 -CoalGladstone Port12:35 
 2173 -Dn GoodsGladstone13:07 
 1738 -ShunterGladstone13:07 
 1571 -LimestoneGladstone13:12 
 3927 -Up FreightCallamondah16:54 
7-6-20002485 2461StationGladstone07:18 
 1571 -LimestoneGladstone07:18 
 3930 -Dn FreightBaffle08:45 
8-6-20004017 4018 4019WalkersMaryborough08:06 
 4009 2134 1700 1741-Maryborough08:26Maryborough West
9-6-20001707 1741ShuntRedbank08:35 
 1741 1742 1746 1750DepotRedbank08:40 
 1726 1774DepotRedbank  
 2114 1709 1503 1509WorkshopsRedbank08:50 
 1520 1523 1515 1530 WorkshopsRedbank  
 1514 1524 1506 1651WorkshopsRedbank  
 1518 2103 2106 2115WorkshopsRedbank  
 2107 2108 WorkshopsRedbank  
 NR87 NR24 NR10 8112YardAcacia Ridge09:39 
 8120 -YardAcacia Ridge09:39 
 2134 -YardAcacia Ridge09:39 
 2302 2502GrainPinkenba10:58 
 2451 -FuelPinkenba11:06 
 2499 2355 1743Dn FreightFishermans Is11:50 
 2323 2321L/EFishermans Is14:01 
 2312 2180GrainFishermans Is14:32 
 2370 2314-Fishermans Is- 
 2355 2499-Fishermans Is14:52 
11-6-20001742 1750 2301 2311DepotRedbank09:07 
 2176 1774 1726 2421DepotRedbank09:07 
 1400 1225 1200 1177PreservedRedbank10:58 
 2486 -WorkshopsRedbank11:08 
 8124 NR66 3925 NR89YardAcacia Ridge11:29 
 8120 -ShunterAcacia Ridge11:29


This unusual little beast shunted the Tubemakers siding off the Acacia Ridge yard.

It was later replaced by the shunter at Comsteel in Waratah, but is believed to now be in private preservation somewhere.
Photo: Brad Peadon

Brother Daven Walters has a bit of a gas bag at the Tubemakers plant.
Photo: Brad Peadon

BLI BLI is about to haul a rake of empty cane bins into the Howard Street yard at Nambour.
Although the mill closed in 2003, this section of street tramway will soon be in use as a tourist tramway from near the former mill site, to Aldi which is now situated in the background of this shot.
Photo: Brad Peadon

MORETON (named LocoShed) at River Depot (Moreton Mill system) during our group 
BBQ to farewell the system.
Photo: Brad Peadon

Diesel locomotive 2414 prepares to get busy, while spark 3532 has a bludge in the background.
Callemondah Depot.
According to Railpage, 2414 is currently in storage.
Photo: Brad Peadon

Newly painted 2410 sits in the sun outside the Redbank Loco Maintenance Depot. 
2179 rests in the background.

Redbank Loco Maintenance Depot in Brisbane.
Photo: Brad Peadon

Former interstate carriages in Townsville yard.
Photo: Brad Peadon

At the time of this visit, 1571 was the regular motive power for the limestone train to Taragoola, the last remaining stump of the former Monto line.
Photo: Brad Peadon

I am told this section has since closed and been ripped up, the last train operating during 2014, and the junction points removed two years ago
Photo: Brad Peadon

MQLX-32407 stored in Hamilton yard in Brisbane.
Photo: Brad Peadon

HSAN-33162 stored in Hamilton yard in Brisbane.
Photo: Brad Peadon

KLA-39383 (cattle wagon) stored in Hamilton yard in Brisbane.
Photo: Brad Peadon

KLA-38285 (cattle wagon) stored in Hamilton yard in Brisbane.
Photo: Brad Peadon

VGK-41170 (grain hopper) Redbank workshops in Brisbane.
Photo: Brad Peadon

DUMP-37881 Redbank workshops in Brisbane.
Photo: Brad Peadon

VGH-37705 (grain hopper) Redbank workshops in Brisbane.
Photo: Brad Peadon

WHW-31494 (wheel sets) Redbank workshops in Brisbane.
Photo: Brad Peadon

SHARON (Bingera Mill) shunts cane bins at the former Queensland Rail Wallaville yard. Following closure by QR, it was taken over and converted to 2ft for cane haulage.
Photo: Brad Peadon

INVICTA (Bingera Mill) arrives at the former Queensland Rail Wallaville yard with a rake of loaded cane bins from local branches.
Photo: Brad Peadon

The former Wallaville station building still exists.
Photo: Brad Peadon

2303 on a passenger train at Townsville.
Photo: Brad Peadon

Howard Street yard in Nambour.
This track comes off a ramp where trucks picked up, and leave, cane bins for transfer to the mill.
Photo: Brad Peadon

A somewhat derelict Plane Creek #2.
Photo: Brad Peadon

KOLAN departs Wallaville with a rake of loaded cane bins destined for Bingera Mill.
That bridge crosses both the Currajong Creek and Wallaville-Goondoon Road.
Photo: Brad Peadon

Mulgrave #11 with a very impressive backdrop.
Photo: Brad Peadon

Mr Rowie.
Photo: Brad Peadon

MANGO in the Pioneer Mill yard.
This locomotive originally worked the Aramac tramway.
Photo: Brad Peadon

2351 in the Redbank LMD.
This facility has since closed.
Photo: Brad Peadon

STRATHALBYN with another rake of empties from Invicta Mill.
Photo: Brad Peadon

Bradly Coulter, Arthur Shale and Tony Smith.
