The Semi-Retired Foamer has been a railfan since he was around 5 years old, oh yes a very young age, an age when one really should avoid being involved with the gunzel community to any great extent. A few rather unsavoury people bringing that fact home.
After a few decades of train chasing, one decided to break with protocol and get married, thus leading to a severe cut in railfan activity.
Subsequent dealings with hate breeders, lunatics, mental defectives and self-appointed preservation overlords lead to an even greater decrease in my hobby participation.
However things have changed thanks to our small group of trusted mates, interest has returned, and now I have become a bit more involved yet again.
Over the years I have tried my best to further both the hobby, as well as the friendships that it brings. I have done this by setting up proactive groups both here in Australia, as well as the Philippines. It is with huge honour that I am often considered the founding father of the railfan hobby in the Philippines (my second home).
I don't take the hobby too seriously and I am a friend to anyone who is good and genuine. But never forgive those who have used their hate to destroy my hobby or hurt the friends within it.

Let's Make The Hobby Great Again!
I aim to share the era that I considered mine, the 80s and 90s. I also like to help promote, and even raise funds for, the various heritage societies that keep the era alive
We occasionally publish information on the locomotives, and rollingstock, from railways in Australia and the Philippines.
All are available for

Please email me should you wish to use anything from this site !

Saturday, January 28, 2023



This was to be the biggest canefield trip I ever undertook.
The aim was to see how many different cane locomotives we could get in a two week period.
Below is a listing of what was seen, although the Moreton Mill, and a few preserved examples, have not been included.
As is usual, the photos following were taken over numerous trips and not necessarily taken during 'Operation Hurricane'.
Thanks to my travel companions Chris Walters and Daven Walters (not related as far as anyone is aware). We had many an escapade that trip, the stories of which are still told two decades on.

DATE 2002LOCOTRAINLOCATIONTIMENOTES: Operation Hurricane - Chris Walters & Daven Walters
14-9-200219 --Nth Of Mill15:13Mulgrave Mill. Gordonvale
 Mulgrave 18 19-Mill Mulgrave Mill. Gordonvale. Xing north of yard.
 18 -Empty CaneNth Of Mill Mulgrave Mill, Chased to Kamma (Gray Ck, Concrete Bridge),
 2 3 6 11 13 14 16DepotGordonvale Mulgrave Mill, Gordonvale. 14 'Visit Sugarworld'
 15 -DepotGordonvale Mulgrave Mill, Cab
 4 -DepotGordonvale Mulgrave Mill, Disused
 8 9 --Fishery Falls17:50Cab Ride
 7 -BallastBellenden Ker Ballast wagons (Poss Com-eng AJ2359 of 1962)
 MORRISON 7DepotBabinda Mill  
 RUSSELLDepotBabinda Mill  
 ALLISON 6DepotBabinda Mill  
 JOSEPHINE 1DepotBabinda Mill  
15-9-200210 11 15 16 DepotSth Johnstone11:28Plus two unidentified locos.
 GOONDIMill SiteGoondi Mill Former mill site, including other rusting stock and sugar bins.
 38 (20)Mill SiteSth Johnstone Sth Johnstone Mill
 24 (4)Shunting-08:08Sth Johnstone Mill, Roberts Sdg
 32 (LIVERPOOL)CaneOld Silkwood08:40Sth Johnstone Mill, Walter Lever Est
 25 (5)Empty CaneOld Silkwood08:48Sth Johnstone Mill, Walter Lever Est
 32 (LIVERPOOL)Cane- Sth Johnstone Mill, Walter Lever Road Xing
 32 (LIVERPOOL)CaneJapoonvale S Bend
 32 (LIVERPOOL)CaneJapoonvale09:15Spiteri Road, cross NYLETA
 32 (LIVERPOOL)Cane8 Mile Range09:32Cutting
 32 (LIVERPOOL)CaneMena Creek09:47 
 NYLETAEmpty Cane- Walter Lever Rd Xing, sunny/bend
 NYLETAEmpty CaneJapoonvale  
 23 (3)-Silkwood Depot11:16 
 35 (5)-Silkwood Depot  
 22 (2)-Silkwood Depot11:20 
 35 (5)-Liverpool Ck Sth Johnstone Mill, Liverpool Creek bridge
 10 15 9DepotSth Johnstone Mill Deros (Photos)
 11 12 13 14 15 18DepotMourilyan12:30Mourilyan Mill
 BRAMSTON (5)DepotMourilyan12:30Mourilyan Mill
16-9-2002FAUGH-A-BALAUGH (FAB)DepotMossman06:55All locomotives noted in yellow and blue livery.
 809 875 864DepotMossman  
 STUMPYMill MuseumMossman  
 SPEEDYMill MuseumMossman  
 DAINTREEEmpty CaneCassowary08:31Shunt exchange yards.
 DAINTREE MOSSMANShuntingMossman Mill09:30 
 DOUGLAS + FABEmpty CaneChased09:40North Mossman, Daintree Rd Crossing
   Chased09:46Golf Links (trees/junction)
   Chased09:55Bells Road (between trees)
   Chased10:05Schilds Road (dropped empties in Schilds Rd sdg)
   Chased Kingston Road (curve)
 FAB + DOUGLASLight -10:30Leonardi de Palmer Bridge
  CaneSyndicate Rd  
  CaneSyndicate Rd11:07Junction (mountain)
 DAINTREE-Golf Links11:14No photo taken.
 IVY MOSSMANDepotMossman11:19 
 COOKMillMossman11:54Arrive loaded
 FAB + DOUGLASMillMossman11:54Arrive loaded
 MOSSMANMillMossman11:54Depart Empty
 MOSSMANEmpty CaneMossman Rvr?11:55Have noted as South Mossman River. May be river sth of Mossman
 FAUGH-A-BALAUGHPreservedPt Douglas12:11 
 MOWBRAYPreservedPt Douglas12:11Bally Hooley Station
 ?-Redlynch Mulgrave Mill, Unidentified (poss MR Simplex)
 11 -Empty CaneGray Creek14:13Mulgrave Mill
 11 -ShuntMohammed14:45Mulgrave Mill
 MULGRAVECaneMohammed14:45Mulgrave Mill
 MULGRAVECaneGray Creek14:47Mulgrave Mill
 MULGRAVECaneKamma14:58Mulgrave Mill
 11 -CaneW of Kamma15:08Mulgrave Mill (Maitland Road/S Bend)
 11 -CaneW of Kamma Siding
 18 --W of Kamma15:22Mulgrave Mill
 6 -CaneMulgrave Mill15:38Yard, fulls arrive.
 19 -ShuntingMulgrave Mill15:43 
 6 -ShuntingMulgrave Mill15:43 
 8 -ShuntingMulgrave Mill15:43 
 19 -Empties DepartMulgrave Mill15:52 
 11 18Light ArriveMulgrave Mill16:00 
 3 5 6 7 11 13 14 16 18DepotMulgrave Mill Locos around depot
 MULGRAVEDepotMulgrave Mill Depot
 4 15DepotMulgrave Mill Deros
 2 18DepotMulgrave Mill Brakes
 RUSSELL, HARVEY (4)WorkshopBabinda Mill  
 JOSEPHINE, 17WorkshopBabinda Mill  
 2 3 8 9 16DepotBabinda Mill  
 19 --Babinda Mill Dero
 FISHERY-Babinda Mill Dero
 38 (20)ShuntSth Johnstone17:40 
17-9-20023 -ShuntBabinda Mill07:35 
 2 GOONDIShuntBabinda Mill07:35Possibly with #3 above.
 7 MORRISONDepotBabinda Mill07:35 
 6 ALLISONDepotBabinda Mill07:35 
 4 HARVEYDepotBabinda Mill07:35 
 16 -DepotBabinda Mill07:35 
 3 + 2CaneClyde St08:05To Babinda Mill
 19 -MillBabinda Mill Derelict
 FISHERYMillBabinda Mill Derelict
 1 JOSEPHINEDepotBabinda Mill  
 ? RUSSELLDepotBabinda Mill  
 8 9 17 -DepotBabinda Mill 9 Poking out the shed. 17 in workshop.
 7 -DepotBabinda Mill Cab only
 4 HARVEYClyde StBabinda Mill10:283ft6 QR Crossing, At Clyde St 10:30, At Clyde St Junction (rear of mill)
 JOSEPHINE+RUSSELLClyde StBabinda Mill10:483ft6 QR Crossing, At Clyde St
 RUSSELL+JOSEPHINEClyde StBabinda Mill Dickson St (White house)
 16 -LoadingBabinda Mill11:29Stager Rd, Harvestor/Tractor
 7 + 6 (MORRISON ALLISON)LightBabinda Mill11:41North of Fitzgerald Creek
 NYLETA 33CaneSth Johnstone12:50Mena Creek
 24 (4)CaneSth Johnstone13:07Roberts
 25 (5)ShuntSth Johnstone13:31Jappoonvale
 22 (2)CaneSth Johnstone14:05Walter Lever Crossing
 21 (1)CaneSth Johnstone14:30Stephenson St, East Silkwood
 21 (1)CaneSth Johnstone14:34Buckley Creek (no photo)
 23 (3)DepotSth Johnstone14:15 
 BRAMSTON (5)Empty cane Mourilyan Mill15:15Cowley Beach Road
 BRAMSTON (5)CaneMourilyan Mill15:45Liverpool Creek
 BRAMSTON (5)CaneMourilyan Mill16:07Aldridge Road (Xing, warehouse)
 12 -ShuntMourilyan Mill17:00Empty Bins
 14 -LightMourilyan Mill17:09Arrive
 13 15 18DepotMourilyan Mill17:42 
 12 --Mourilyan Mill17:44Near mill, across paddock
18-9-200238 (20)ShuntSth Johnstone08:10Mill, Overcast
 26 (6)ShuntSth Johnstone08:18Mill, Overcast
 38 (20)ShuntSth Johnstone08:21South Johnston, Main Street
 32 LIVERPOOLCaneSth Johnstone08:57Japoonvale
 32 LIVERPOOLCaneSth Johnstone09:01Austin Creek (Bridge)
 21 (1)ShuntSth Johnstone09:32Wills Road
 21 (1)ShuntSth Johnstone09:41Wills Road (Lookout)
 21 (1)CaneSth Johnstone09:50Japoonvale (Silkwood Road)
 25 (5)CaneSth Johnstone10:27Silkwood (3ft6 and pub)
 6 -CaneTully Mill11:03El Arish
 6 -ShuntTully Mill11:11El Arish (Shell Pocket Road)
 3 -Perway/NavvyTully Mill11:38Lizzio????
 12 -Empty CaneTully Mill11:53Bookal Bookal Creek
 14 + 10Empty CaneTully Mill12:42Tully
 4 -Light OutTully Mill12:42Tully
 12 -CaneTully Mill Arrive at mill
 18 -DepotTully Mill  
 2 6 11+16 14+10Mill yardTully Mill  
 5 -PoisenTully Mill14:04X Sandy Creek
 1 -CaneTully Mill14:04X Sandy Creek
 17 -CaneTully Mill14:15Silky Oak Creek Road
 15 -CaneTully Mill14:25 
 7 -CaneTully Mill  
 MKD14SugarMacknade Mill16:40Lucinda Road Xing
 MKD14SugarMacknade Mill16:58Lucinda Point
 ?Sugar ShuntLucinda Point16:58Lucinda Point
 MKD14Empty SugarMacknade Mill17:20Gentle Annie Creek (Lucinda line)
 CLEM H McCOMISKIESugarVictoria Mill17:40At Mill
 WALLAMANMillVictoria Mill  
 HOMEBUSH IIMillVictoria Mill  
 CAIRNS ADELAIDEMillVictoria Mill  
 ADELAIDEMillVictoria Mill  
 ADELAIDEEmpty CaneVictoria Mill Depart
 WALLAMANEmpty CaneVictoria Mill Depart
 MKD20DepotMacknade Mill Photo: hood end, strobes, front visi vest.
 MKD16DepotMacknade Mill Photo: Outside shed, cab end
 MKD12DepotMacknade Mill Photo: Inside shed, cab end
 MKD18DepotMacknade Mill Photo: Inside shed, cab end. From in pit.
 MKD17DepotMacknade Mill Photo: With bins behind.
 MKD4DepotMacknade Mill Simplex
 MKD14DepotMacknade Mill Sugar Shunt
 MKD19DepotMacknade Mill  
 VICTORIACaneVictoria Mill23:52 
19-9-2002WALLAMANEmpty CaneVictoria Mill06:54Ingham QR crossing
 HERBERT IIEmpty CaneVictoria Mill07:47Liborios St (2 spots)
 ADELAIDEEmpty CaneVictoria Mill08:37Gilroy Santa Maria College
 TOWNSVILLE IIEmpty CaneVictoria Mill Gilroy Santa Maria College
 VICTORIACaneVictoria Mill08:57Gilroy Santa Maria College
 VICTORIACaneVictoria Mill09:12Arr Victoria Mill
 HOMEBUSH IIEmpty CaneVictoria Mill09:21Victoria Mill
 LUCINDAShunt YardVictoria Mill09:27Victoria Mill
 HOBARTShunt YardVictoria Mill09:27Victoria Mill
 MKD12CaneMacknade Mill09:36No photo.
 MKD12CaneMacknade Mill09:41Cordelia
 MKD11 MKD12DepotMacknade Mill  
 BRISBANEDepotMacknade Mill  
 IONADepotMacknade Mill At MKD 10 years, derelict, ex Inkerman for spares.
 BRISBANECaneMacknade Mill Arr mill, tan rope.
 MKD16CaneMacknade Mill QR Crossing
 SMOKEYNotesVictoria Mill-Sold and gone to Tablelands
 THUNDERBOLTDepotVictoria Mill  
 LUCINDA INGHAMDepotVictoria Mill  
 PERTH ALBANYDepotVictoria Mill No photos of either. ALBANY out of use.
 CENTERARYDepotVictoria Mill  
 CLEM H McCOMISKIESugarVictoria Mill11:45Loaded for Lucinda Point
 MAITLAND & CLEMNOTESVictoria Mill Names after people who died on the job.
 SUGARWORLD SHUTTLEYardVictoria Mill12:35 
 MKD20CaneMacknade Mill12:40Transfer Victoria Mill to Macknade Mill. Photo at Victoria Mill.
 MKD20CaneMacknade Mill12:54Lucinda Point Tramway
 MKD20CaneMacknade Mill13:35Herbert River
 CLEM H McCOMISKIESugarVictoria Mill Chased to Lucinda, but loco broke down half way
 MKD12CaneMacknade Mill Lucinda Pt Tramway, photo south of mill triangle.
20-9-2002HODELCaneInvicta Mill08:02Photo: Side on through cane, then mill.
 CROMARTYCaneInvicta Mill08:08As above
 INVICTA-Invicta Mill08:25Navvy siding
 HAUGHTONCaneInvicta Mill08:27Invicta (No photo)
 SCOTTCaneInvicta Mill08:32Invicta (across new cane/palms)
 BURDEKINEmpty CaneInvicta Mill08:49Invicta junction
 STRATHALBYNEmpty CaneInvicta Mill08:55Invicta junction
 CLAREEmpty CaneInvicta Mill09:04Photo: Long end, across field, backlit, mill at rear.
 STRATHALBYNEmpty CaneInvicta Mill09:13Upper Haughton
 GIRUShuntInvicta Mill09:40McLain Road #6
 MINKOMCaneInvicta Mill10:13Upper Haughton
 SELKIRKCaneInvicta Mill10:19Upper Haughton
 HAUGHTONCaneInvicta Mill10:24Upper Haughton
 BARATTACaneInvicta Mill10:32Upper Haughton
 JARDINECanePioneer Mill11:00Airdale, Bin 10153 derailed
 JERONALightPioneer Mill12:08Departing mill.
 MAIDAVALE AIRDALEMillPioneer Mill In mill
 DH22MillPioneer Mill In mill, No Photo
 DELTAEmpty caneKalamia Mill13:28Utopia
 KALAMIA-Kalamia Mill-At mill, not in a good way
 ? 0-4-0-Kalamia Mill13:40Workshop at mill entrance, unidentified
 Navvy Lander-Kalamia Mill- 
 KILRIECaneKalamia Mill14:34Central Loop
 BOJACKCaneInkerman Mill15:38River Line
 IONACaneInkerman Mill16:05Powers Road
21-9-200214 -Empty CaneProserpine Mill07:15Mackay Corner
 14 -Empty CaneProserpine Mill07:23Glen Isla
 14 -Empty CaneProserpine Mill07:39Breadalbyne
 12 -CaneProserpine Mill07:48Breadalbyne
 8 -ShuntProserpine Mill08:00Proserpine
 10 -Empty CaneProserpine Mill08:10Camm Rd
 8 -Empty CaneProserpine Mill-Proserpine
 8 -Empty CaneProserpine Mill08:27Usher Road (housing)
 8 -Empty CaneProserpine Mill08:33Sorbutt Cnr (bush)
 10 -Empty CaneProserpine Mill08:41Brandy Creek (house/bend)
 10 -Empty CaneProserpine Mill08:49Cannon Valley Rd (trees, vertical shot)
 7 12 -MillProserpine Mill-No photo of 12.
 7 -Empty CaneProserpine Mill09:24Myrtle Creek
 11 -ShuntProserpine Mill09:41Proserpine Mill
 8 -CaneProserpine Mill09:52Proserpine, arriving at mill.
 MICLERE (38)ShuntFarleigh Mill12:14Waboora
 774-65-Farleigh Mill12:33Calen Depot, Actually 4wDH 5-774-6-63
 NARPI (19)- LightMarian Mill12:50Narpi
 GARGET (18)LightMarian Mill13:12Mill
 PLEYSTOWE LEO 10Mill--LEO (Bald 1)
 ALEXANDRA (14)CaneMarian Mill13:35Otterburn, Formerly HAMPDON
 MELBA (15)LightMarian Mill13:39Mirani
 BOONGANNA (20)Cane Marian Mill14:07Harvos Loop
 BOONGANNA (20)CaneMarian Mill14:12East of Harvos Loop (horse dropping)
 TANNALO (21)CaneMarian Mill14:25Cattle Creek
 TANNALOCaneMarian Mill14:30Garget (Xing)
 TANNALOCaneMarian Mill14:37Harvos Loop
 BOONGANNA (20)CaneMarian Mill14:57Mirani
 BASSETT (26)ShuntMarian Mill15:12Marian Mill
 7304 7306 7308 7321 7341StoredNth Eton Mill-Mill site
 7327 7332-Nth Eton Mill-Mill site, parts
 CC02 ALLANDALEStoredNth Eton Mill-Mill site
 SEPTIMUSStoredNth Eton Mill-Mill site
 D6-Nth Eton Mill-Mill site, Jenbach (Derelict)
 1xSimplex?-Nth Eton Mill-Mill site (also another works #9577 MR)
 FOULDEN (33)Empty CaneFarleigh Mill16:45VP3 (?)
 CEDARS (39)CaneFarleigh Mill16:46Pleystowe
 CEDARS (39)CaneFarleigh Mill-John Cook Bridge
 CEDARS (39)CaneFarleigh Mill18:09Farleigh
 CONNINGSBY (30)Empty CaneFarleigh Mill17:43Gunnings Loop south
22-9-2002MUNBURA, NORTH ETONMillRacecourse Mill07:03 
 LACY, HOMEBUSHMillRacecourse Mill07:03NORTH ETON,LACY,HOMEBUSH (Photographed in order)
 1xSimplex? DH25MillRacecourse Mill07:03 
 ROAD RUNNERMillRacecourse Mill07:03 
 FINCH HATTONCaneRacecourse Mill07:15Arrive at mill.
 LACYEmpty CaneFarleigh Mill07:58Rosella (Xing)
 HOMEBUSH Empty CaneRacecourse Mill08:08Rosella (cab end)
 BASSETT (26)-Marian Mill-North Eton Mill site
 SHANNONLightPleystowe Mill09:09Brightley with two brake vehicles
 SHANNONLightPleystowe Mill09:20Waters loop 09:20 - cross
 OAKENDEN (54)LightRacecourse Mill09:20Waters loop 09:20 - cross
 SHANNONLightPleystowe Mill09:29Pioneer River
 ALEXANDRA (14)CaneMarian Mill09:46Mirani (2 shots, second through trees)
 ETON (25)CaneMarian Mill10:40Pleystowe Mill (2 shots, 2nd with trees)
 BARCOO (46)-Farleigh Mill10:47Pleystowe Mill
 CEDARSCaneFarleigh Mill11:11Whites Hill (on grade)
 HAMPDEN CARLISLE -Farleigh Mill11:40At mill.
 PIONEER-Farleigh Mill11:40At mill.
 HAMPDEN (34)Empty CaneFarleigh Mill11:48Waini Loop
 D12Empty CanePlane Creek Mill13:09 
 D1 10DepotPlane Creek Mill13:50 
 2 3 -DepotPlane Creek Mill13:50Remains of #2, Cab of #3
 LINE CARDepotPlane Creek Mill13:50 
 7309 7347 7349 DepotPlane Creek Mill13:50 
 MA 1861 MA 1863DepotPlane Creek Mill13:50 
 4832-4839MillPlane Creek Mill13:50New bins
 CARMILACanePlane Creek Mill15:45 
 KOUMALACanePlane Creek Mill16:00 
 D12CanePlane Creek Mill16:34 
 KARLOO / ALLEN PAGECanePlane Creek Mill17:30 
24-9-2002INVICTACaneBingera Mill12:10Cloyne Road
 INVICTACaneBingera Mill12:35Drinan Road
 SHARONStationBingera Mill-Wallaville
 INVICTAStationBingera Mill-Wallaville
 KOLANStationBingera Mill-Wallaville
 TEGEGE DELAN KOLANDepotBingera Mill14:15Np photos of DELAN or KOLAN
 5 WATTLEDepotBingera Mill14:15 
 19 -DepotBingera Mill14:15White number in black circle, may be ex-Babinda #7?
 70 -DepotBingera Mill14:15Cracked chassis (Fairymead)
 ST KILDADepotBingera Mill14:15Poisen Train
 MANOOCaneBingera Mill15:58Fairymead Mill, transfer to Bingera
 HINKLER (56)ShuntFairymead Mill16:06 
 72 -NavvyFairymead Mill16:08 
 9 --Fairymead Mill16:16 
 ELLIOTTCaneMillaquin Mill Humock Road
 VULCANCaneMillaquin Mill Millaquin
25-9-20021,3,4,6,10,11DepotIsis Mill06:34 
 5804 -DepotIsis Mill06:34Engine removed
 CC04DepotIsis Mill06:34Cab, and short hood
 DHxxDepotIsis Mill06:34Long hood off unidentified DH
 1 -LightIsis Mill06:40Cordalba Road
 1 -CaneIsis Mill Cordalba Road Bridge
 6 -Empty CaneIsis Mill Cordalba Road Bridge
 4 -LightIsis Mill Cordalba Road Bridge
 6 -Empty CaneIsis Mill07:41Bundy Road
 6 -CaneIsis Mill09:14Cordalba Road Bridge (Under bridge)
 DH24 CC03 DH36-Maryborough-Walkers Compound (DH36 partly dismantled)
 ?-Maryborough-Kettle at Parkies Parts
27-9-2002D20 D23T D16 D2 D32Mining LocosWoombye-Big Pineapple staff carpark.
 D7 D11 D13Mining LocosWoombye-Photos of all except D7 D13 D32
29-9-2002ANGRMSPreservedWoodford-Museum Visit

ALLISON - Comeng C2234 of 1959
Now closed Babinda Mill.  
Photo: Brad Peadon

INVICTA - Comeng CA1040 of 1960
Invicta Mill.  
Photo: Brad Peadon

JOSEPHINE - Comeng A1821 of 1957
Now closed Babinda Mill.  
Photo: Brad Peadon

RUSSELL - Comeng A2027 of 1958
Now closed Babinda Mill.  
Photo: Brad Peadon

MORRISON - Comeng AD1239 of 1969
Now closed Babinda Mill.  
Photo: Brad Peadon

SEPTIMUS - Comeng A2128 of 1958
North Eton Mill site.  
Photo: Brad Peadon

SELKIRK - EMB 6750-1-8-76 of 1976
Upper Haughton - Invicta Mill.  
Photo: Brad Peadon

STRATHALBYN - EMB 13863-1-8-91 of 1991
Upper Haughton - Invicta Mill.  
Photo: Brad Peadon

Mulgrave 11 - Baldwin 4413-2-8-72 of 1972
West of Kamma.  
Photo: Brad Peadon

MULGRAVE  - Walkers 613 of 1969 (Rebuilt 1995)
Around Kamma somewhere possible (no guarantees).  
Photo: Brad Peadon

Macknade MKD14 - Baldwin 6-2490-1-7-68 of 1968
At Macknade Mill 
Photo: Brad Peadon

Macknade 4 - MR 10232 of 1951
At Macknade Mill 
Photo: Brad Peadon

Macknade MKD14 - Baldwin 6-2490-1-7-68 of 1968
At Macknade Mill 
Photo: Brad Peadon

Mulgrave 19 - Clyde 65-435 of 1965 
Photo: Brad Peadon

Mulgrave 18 - Clyde 64-379 of 1964 
Photo: Brad Peadon

Proserpine 14 - Walkers 701 of 1972 (Rebuilt 1998)
Photo: Brad Peadon

ISIS 5 - Walkers 617 of 1969 (Rebuilt 1999)
Photo: Brad Peadon

Macknade MKD17 - Baldwin 6-1446-1-9-65 of 1965
At Macknade Mill 
Photo: Brad Peadon

Macknade MKD18 - Clyde DHI.5 of 1954
At Macknade Mill 
Photo: Brad Peadon

Can bin tippler.
At Macknade Mill 
Photo: Brad Peadon

Macknade MKD18 - Clyde DHI.5 of 1954
At Macknade Mill 
Photo: Brad Peadon

Macknade MKD12 - Clyde 65-434 of 1965
At Macknade Mill 
Photo: Brad Peadon

Macknade MKD16 - Clyde DHI.1 of 1954
At Macknade Mill 
Photo: Brad Peadon

Macknade MKD20 - Baldwin 7070-4-4-77 of 1977
At Macknade Mill 
Photo: Brad Peadon

Macknade MKD12 - Clyde 65-434 of 1965
Hauling a rake of full bins to Macknade Mill 
Photo: Brad Peadon

MULGRAVE  - Walkers 613 of 1969 (Rebuilt 1995)
Mulgrave 11 - Baldwin 4413-2-8-72 of 1972
Mulgrave Mill at Gordonvale.  
Photo: Brad Peadon

Mulgrave Mill at Gordonvale.  
Photo: Brad Peadon

Mulgrave 15 - Clyde 58-190 of 1958
Mulgrave Mill at Gordonvale.  
Photo: Brad Peadon

Mulgrave 11 - Baldwin 4413-2-8-72 of 1972
Mulgrave Mill at Gordonvale.  
Photo: Brad Peadon

Loco shed at Proserpine.  
Photo: Brad Peadon


Thanks to:

John Browning, Ted Carter, Chris Walters and Daven Walters.

From 2023 we are starting to cover the various sugar mill locomotive fleets.
Check us out HERE.

Video: Petrie Creek Bridge & Ginger Factory Tramway.


Can you help us preserve Queensland sugar railway history?
The Nambour Historical Society have received the very historic lift span section of the former Maroochy River bridge.
They urgently seek donations for the rebuilding and preservation of the structure at the museum.
Can you give a bit of help?

Tuesday, January 17, 2023



Can You Please Take A Moment

To Help History?

It was recently announced that Nambour's wonderful museum was the chosen home to preserve the lifting span section of the historic 'Maroochy River Lift Bridge'.

Originally built in 1921, though believed to have suffered a couple of washaways requiring major repair, this was the larger, and busier, of two lift bridges on the system (the smaller Petrie Creek structure believed to have been removed in the second half of the 90s).

The amazing bridge went on to serve the local Moreton Mill until closure in 2003, then for a short time after while the former mill locos took part in ripping up their own system.

After a huge effort by the late Andrew Palser to raise awareness of the sad condition of the bridge, 2020 finally saw the lift span section removed for storage and eventual preservation.

It was a huge relief that my dear friend got to see his work pay off before he sadly left us.

Maroochy River Lift Bridge Fundraiser.

The museum has the bridge section, but urgently seeks any donation you can possibly give to aid in getting the bridge rebuilt and placed on display, hopefully before this years 20th anniversary celebration marking the closure of the mill.

Every little bit will help this local museum, which already looks after a large amount of local mill, and tramway, history, achieve their goal of saving this very important piece of tramway history for the future.



I was privileged to attend a Tramfest evening in Nambour while Andrew promoted the idea of saving the bridge, obtaining signatures from locals.
A huge thanks to the guys from the 'Nambour Tram Company' for allowing the 'Maroochy River Lift Bridge' and 'Maroochy Shire Tramways SIG' to share their stand on the night.

Below: I am seen with my friend Andrew Palser.
There is no doubt that without his efforts, we would no longer have the bridge today. 
I enjoyed many a late Sunshine Coast night, and extended internet chat, discussing the bridge project ideas, and general tramway stuff, with him.
Those times are greatly missed.

SHAY is a wonderful example of the work done at the Nambour Historical Museum.
See this post for much more coverage of the museum.

A few more photos of our bridge back in better days.

Yes, it is a big job.
But it's ready to happen.
The museum just seeks help from my fellow railfans to ensure the bridge once again becomes an intact part of Sunshine Coast tramway history.

Please consider helping us: Donate today.

Nambour Historical Society - Website

Nambour Historical Society - Facebook

Maroochy Shire Tramways SIG - Website

Maroochy Shire Tramways SIG - Facebook

Maroochy River Lift Bridge - Facebook