The forthcoming need to extract ones buttocks from its home of around 15 years has lead to an even greater need to sort through the endless rubbish (term normally used by ones spouse) that forms ones monumentally sized archive.
While going through the seemingly endless supply of photos, books, articles, magazines and girlie publications, one is always faced with the ever present need to downsize before the big move. Of course this is a painful task for the Semi-Retired Foamer who, if forced to dump all he has collected, will actually be promoted to a fully retired foamer.
So it is, with heavy heart and a bottle of Bundy, one finds the need more urgent to share his memories with a world of railfans who, well quite frankly, don't give much of a dropping.
With this in mind - I present the following random selection.
Agggghhhhh Moreton Hire. what a awful chapter in ones life that was. Can't believe people still willingly work for that company. Seems more and more arent though.
Spent a lot of time around here in the 90s, photographing the last years of the broad gauge interstate freights, boring the hell out of the ex-fiancee and dealing with the endless spiders the Hills region has to offer.
Still, the local railfans had an entertaining soilution for said spiders that involved spraying them with a flammable liquid and igniting with a ciarette lighter.
No idea what become of them, however they are not there any longer.
With no regular traffic over the Sandown line, od knows what the whole lines future is.
The future of these beautiful craft seems a bit shakey, with the onslaught of many new types, including the ghastly looking Airbus A380.
Boeing has come forth with a 747-800 in answer to it, but delays and orders have, sadly, been less than inspiring.
Twas once a regular haunt for me back in the days of 44s, 421s, 48s and the Griffith Speedfreight to Botany.
No idea what it looks like today, but this was the mid 90s.
RIP Ansett
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